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How to Stop Condensation (¡Real Solutions!!)

How to stop condensation is a concern of many people. If it’s also your problem, I’ll try to help you with real solutions.

The humidity by condensation is the least known of humidities, but although it does not have so much press, it does not stop being one of the most annoying.

Every winter millions of people suffer from humidity problems at home, which have their roots in the difficulty for the walls to dry. The humidity is transferred to the furniture, to the structure of the house; the glasses fog up, moisture generates condensation on walls, and all this irremediably ends up affecting your health.

Are you one of the many victims who have become accustomed to humidity problems? ¿Do you need condensation solutions?

Would you like to know how to solve condensation problems in your home? Because it really IS POSSIBLE.

From my knowledge as an architect, and having lived most of my life with problems of humidity in my house, condensation on windows, stains of humidity and mould on walls and ceilings, I would like to give you a different vision that will help you know how to reduce humidity in your home.

That’s why here’s a summary, which in simple words, will help you:

– Let’s stop seeing it
– Stop smelling it.
– Stop suffering it

Why is my house so humid

Without going into technical complexities that bore you, you just have to know that:

CONDENSATION is a phenomenon that consists of the passage of water, from its vapor state, to the liquid state, accumulating on cold surfaces.

Although it is a phenomenon that depends to a great extent on the climate and the relative humidity of the environment, it is also a reality that we are the SAME responsible for bringing water vapour to interiors.


How is that possible?

We generate water vapor by simply LIVING. When cooking, when bathing, when using open flame heaters… and even when talking.

What Causes Humidity in a House


The steam we generate is transmitted to the air until it reaches the point of saturating it. When the air can no longer contain water vapour, it ends up being deposited on the coldest surfaces in the environment, producing condensation on walls facing the outside, which are usually the coldest.

What is Dew Point Temperature and How It Influences Your Home’s Condensation Problems

As we said, the walls and ceilings of your house are the coldest surfaces in the environment, and they are the ones that suffer most from the effects of condensation humidity.

On these surfaces (especially in winter) there is what is known as a dew point, that is, the temperature at which the water passes from its vapor state (in the air) to its liquid state.

Is «condensation» the same as «perspiration»?

Some confuse condensation with perspiration, but in reality they have NOTHING to do with each other.

Perspiration is associated with something that has pores (like our skin). Erroneously, for example, it is often said that in summer, a glass of cold drink «sweats». And I ask, what pores can a glass have?

In reality, «perspiration» is condensation moisture, which is in the air and humidifies the cold surface of the glass.

With the same reasoning, the air in a humid internal environment is deposited on the cold surfaces of the room (as on the surface of the glass), generating condensation problems in walls and ceilings.

So simple is the phenomenon that in winter fills us with humidity problems at home and ends up complicating our lives.

The problems of humidity by condensation are aggravated during the winter, above all, due to a bad thermal insulation of the house, to the entrance of cold and humid air, and to the lack of ventilation of the environments.

Symptoms of Condensation Humidity

As I told you, once condensation humidity becomes present, the interiors deteriorate and the appearance of:

Black mold stains on walls and ceilings
Deterioration of furniture
Sweating windows; misting on glass
Condensation in roofs that end up generating leaks
Odour of persistent humidity in the environment

It is not surprising that those who live with humidity problems at home end up suffering health problems such as allergies, respiratory problems, lung problems, rheumatism, asthma, bronchitis, headaches (a disgusting prospect!!), all of which eventually end up affecting our quality of life.

You will realize at this point that the consequences of moisture problems by condensation are no longer just aesthetic.

Today’s houses seem to be designed to be hermetically sealed, so that air does not circulate, that there is no good natural ventilation, and so that the moisture ends up condensed on any cold surface, such as walls, ceilings, floors and windows.

How to stop Condensation on Windows Overnight: Condensation Solutions

Glass is a material that due to its thickness and conductivity is a poor thermal isulation. For this reason, window panes only achieve insulate the house from the winds, since its surface temperature is practically the same as the outside temperature.

Obviously you will realize that it is no coincidence that the windows suffer condensation problems, if we take into account that in winter they become the coldest surface of the environment.

How to Stop Sweating Windows

To attenuate the deficiencies of the glass to stop sweating windows, fortunately, new technologies (again in a positive sense) have led to the frequent use of double glazing or hermetic double glazing (HDG), as an almost irreplaceable resource to thermally insulate the openings.

The hermetic double glazing (HDG) is a system that consists in the use of two or more parallel glasses separated by sealed air chambers, which notably improve the thermal insulation, preventing the classic problems of mist in glasses, and then, naturally, stains mold in walls.

To complement its effect and reduce condensation in windows, the market offers aluminum and PVC openings with TBR (thermal bridge rupture) that guarantee that these are not cooled, and therefore that moisture does not condense even in the material of the opening itself.

What Interstitial Condensation is | How it affects us

Did you ever hear of interstitial condensation?

Problems aren’t usually just condensation on walls, ceilings, and floors. Moisture also often affects the inside of them.

The aggravating factor of these condensation problems is that the consequences are usually manifested after a long time (even years), appearing as a stain of moisture, but after having seriously deteriorated the structure of the house.

What is relative Humidity?

Relative humidity is the ratio between the amount of water vapour in an air mass and the maximum it could have. When the air can no longer contain more moisture it is said to be saturated.

The excess of environmental humidity comes to affect the irons, woods, and beams of the structure, as well as the pipes and electrical conduits of the house, after having entered through cracks, porous surfaces and other weak areas or with deficient thermal and hydraulic insulation.

This type of humidity by condensation also tends to affect terraces and roofs of slabs, generating the appearance of cracks in the surface (through which rainwater will later enter), and consequently, the endless circle of humidity of filtrations that never end.

Although it may seem a contradiction, the excess of ambient humidity can also pass through ceilings, reaching concrete slabs (which ARE NOT WATERPROOF!), and which end up being victims of humidity due to internal condensation or interstitial condensation.

Moisture resistant paints and their effect on condensation

The first thing that comes to mind when faced with a humidity problem is to find an effective, and above all economic solution. Within these alternatives the moisture resistant paints are those that appear first in the list.

Let’s agree that to solve condensation problems there is no single and infallible recipe, because the origins are usually different. To suppose that damp-proofing paint can become the exception to the rule would be a mistake.

With regard to moisture resistant paints, as a solution for condensation humidity I would like to give you my opinion: DO NOT CONVINCE ME.

The moisture resistant paints usually originate more problems than those that they try to solve.

Suppose you have problems with fungus in interior walls or leaks in the ceiling; nothing out of the ordinary in a house with moisture problems.

In these cases the moisture resistant paints act as a plastic paint or as an enamel, sealing the pores of the interior walls, which in principle seems an advantage: the walls stop absorbing moisture. But…

As nothing is as good as what we are told, what actually happens is that we are waterproofing a surface that should absorb some of the moisture and then return it to the environment. As a consequence, condensation dampness in houses does not disappear because we did not attack the problem that gave rise to it.

Another condensation solutions, within what I have been telling you, is the use of «breathable» damp-proofing paints, which allow the internal walls to retain a certain ability to «breathe». They are useful… until they cease to be so.

As long as the causes of condensation humidity do not disappear, the walls will continue to absorb water and in the long run all the problems we mentioned will continue to appear.

We have had enough for complaints. Let’s look at some overcoming ideas.

How to Stop condensation | Home Solutions

Humidity can affect the interior of the house for different reasons: leaks in damaged pipes; leaks in roofs, or problems with humidity due to capillarity in insulating layers.

But as the main responsible for generating water supply to indoor environments are US, I would begin by asking myself something more useful, and that will surely help us solve the problem condensation from its roots.

How to Reduce Humidity at Home: Humidity Control Methods

If we take for granted that our customs and our habits of use have a decisive influence on reducing humidity by condensation, the question ends up being obligatory:

What can we do to produce less water vapour and reduce humidity problems?

How to Reduce Humidity in a Room Naturally

They are simple practices and I assure you that they will not represent a major effort to put them into practice.

How to Reduce Humidity in Bathroom: Shorter Showers

One of the main contributions of water vapour that we make to our homes is the one that we produce when we bathe.

We are not going to engage in a pointless discussion about how long a shower should last, as this is not intended to be a manual of uses and good habits.

how to stop condensation
Long showers provide enormous amounts of water vapour

A simple matter of common sense would say that if we have condensation on windows, cladding and problems of condensation dampness on the ceilings of our house, let’s try to be aware and let our bathrooms take … only as long as is necessary.

There will be time to make the shower a ceremony of relaxation. But that will be when the problems of humidity by condensation no longer exist.

If a bathing session, (especially in winter), produces a lot of steam, let’s imagine then all that will be generated after the whole family has done it.

If you need reasons to get excited about reducing condensation moisture, here’s one:

A short shower, at a pleasant temperature, will be much more ecological: you will spend less gas and save water.

First call of conscience.

Bathroom Ventilation Options to Remove Condensation Dampness

As long as taking a bath is still a necessary task, let us try to do it in a smart way.

First recommendation: ventilate the bathroom.

It is true, it seems very obvious, but the obvious is not always the most common.

how to stop condensation
Adequate ventilation of the bathroom will help prevent sweating windows.

In case it were necessary, let’s make the clarification: to ventilate a Toilet DOES NOT mean to leave the door wide open immediately after we finish doing it.

The only thing we achieve in this way is to disperse the damage we do towards the rest of the interior of the house, transferring the problems of humidity by condensation to the rest of the walls.

To ventilate means to open THE WINDOW that communicates it with the outside, and if this does not exist, to place an AIR EXTRACTOR that does it, artificially, but at least manages to eliminate the humidity of the environment.

It is only a question of customs that without so much effort we will be able to correct.

As the humidity by condensation that we produce is not exclusive of the Bathroom, the use of the air extractor is effective and necessary also in the Kitchen, secondary source of another part of the water vapour that we bring to the environments.

Cover containers when cooking to reduce humidity in the rest of the house.

how to stop condensation
Cover containers when cooking

And speaking of Kitchens; it’s also obvious but I have to say it.

If you are cooking in open pots or pans, not only will you be multiplying the problems of humidity by condensation in the whole house, but in addition you will be spending much more energy to heat the containers.

If in addition to wanting to solve the humidity in your house you needed other reasons of weight (and saving), this one will also be useful to you. There is no need to explain much more.

Close the doors to avoid aggravating humidity problems.

We already recommended it. The concept is not complicated:

To ventilate an environment in which we produce humidity, does not mean to open the doors that communicate it with the rest of the house.

As you might suspect, I am referring to the bathrooms and kitchens.

And as we have already talked about the Baths, the recommendation, simple and plain would be:

If we want to eliminate the problems of humidity by condensation: Open windows to the outside or turn on the air extractor while you are cooking.

Not only will you be avoiding senselessly dissipating the steam from the cooking water, but also the smells, which will surely stay to live in the corners, to remind you, cruelly, the menu of the previous day.

To dry the humidity by condensation on the coatings of the Bathroom

You may be doing a lot of credit to end up looking like a fanatic, but the recommendation makes a lot of sense.

If you’re done taking a bath, assume that the coating will end up with condensed moisture and dripping water.

The only possible way to disappear is to evaporate later and go to the rest of the rooms of the house, filling the walls with mold.

I ask, without wanting to arouse astonishment: would it be illogical to have a cloth to dry the surface of the walls? In this way we manage to remove the thickness of the humidity that has condensed on the coverings, and then to air it OUTSIDE the house.

It’s just a question.

How to Avoid Condensation on Walls: DO NOT DRY clothes indoors!

I know that more than one housewife will be smiling, that’s why the clarification is worth: «within the possible».

I know you resort to these emergencies when the weather is not with you and wet clothes keep piling up.

how to stop condensation
Drying underwear: a habit that aggravates moisture problems from condensation

But it is also true that, even if there are days when the weather does not allow it, in many cases the practice ends up becoming customary even though the weather improves.

It will be necessary to become aware that the water lost by the garments is transferred to the environments, saturating the interior air with humidity and then generating  condensation on walls, floors and ceilings, hence the equation will never end up closing.

As important as with clothes, it will be to apply the same criteria with the bath towels that have just been used. True, it sounds like a magazine recipe, but it is so simple and little taken into account that it is worth trying to put it into practice to avoid humidity problems at home.

How to Remove Moisture from Clothes

Unfortunately, there are no foolproof recipes for drying washed clothes. I would also suggest two alternatives that may well help solve the problem.

a) Just a matter of common sense (it won’t appear in any book), and if you don’t have another viable alternative, I would recommend having a heater, for example, in a Laundry room, where the clothes we intend to dry can be concentrated.

It will be important that this environment has a window to ventilate the humidity generated during the drying process.

You can be sure that in this way we can be sure that we are contributing to solving the problems of condensation in ALL the house.

b) Using more dryers is a healthy habit to reduce humidity problems in the house.

I am not the best person to teach a housewife how to do laundry. In fact, I’m one of those who doesn’t even know how to turn on a washing machine.

Nevertheless, more than anything else out of common sense, I would encourage myself to recommend the most intensive use of the dryer, especially if you plan to dry it to stop condensation

Of pure logic, nothing more, we could say that: water that remains in the dryer, is water that does not pass into the environment, and therefore will not generate problems of humidity by condensation.

And little by little the house dries up.

What to do with wet clothes coming from outside: Reducing condensation at home

And since we’re talking about not drying clothes inside, it’s not unreasonable to use the same criteria with which it comes from outside.

Rainy or very humid day; we arrive home and the first thing we do is take off our coats to leave them hanging from a coat rack or on the back of a chair… obviously inside.

And where to leave it then?

Well, as I said, I’m not a magician. Right now I’m just a «devil’s advocate» set to mark bad habits.

It could be in that Laundromat I was talking about earlier; a balcony or a gallery, of course, whenever possible.

Small actions like this will help to eliminate the problems of condensation humidity so typical of this season of clothes drying inside.

How to Remove Humidity from a Room Without a Desumidifier: Opening or Closing Windows?

Existential question.

If we are talking about ventilating an environment to avoid humidity by condensation and make it dry, let us say that it would not be the best thing to do in the middle of a humid day.

But it must be recognized that even if the day is humid, there is a period of time in which the relative humidity is usually lower, say, between noon and 4 pm.

To ventilate the environments within those schedules, although it is a short period of time, is healthy and necessary as much for our health as also to avoid that humidity accumulates in the house.

It is not necessary to be a technician to realize when an interior needs to be ventilated to avoid  problems of humidity by condensation. That’s why I would only recommend you not to ventilate with full humidity and take advantage to do everything necessary when the weather allows it.

There will be no more magic formulas.

How to Control Closet Humidity: Desuhumidifier for Closets

If we think of a wardrobe as a «mini environment», it will be worth applying the same recommendations as for the rest of the house.

Let’s be honest: everyday clothes that come from the street are never ventilated before being stored.

how to stop condensation

The accumulation of «not entirely dry» garments will create in the wardrobes a microclimate of humidity by condensation easily identifiable by mould and fungus stains and bad smells that can be perceived when opened.

Let us add another unhappy reality to this circumstance.

It is common that the closets of the bedrooms are located on the dividing wall between them and the bathroom.

Who has not seen the deterioration that moisture produces in a wall with leaking pipes?

Obviously, in these cases the only way to remove the humidity from the wall is to solve the loss of the damaged pipe. Otherwise the moisture problem will remain.

If it’s just condensation moisture from the accumulation of poorly ventilated garments, the story will be a different one.

Imagine how much the humidity problem can be exacerbated when the air is confined within an enclosed space. Especially when it ends up being discovered when it is too late and has already filled the clothes and the bottom of the furniture with mould.

The recommendation: ventilate wardrobes, with the bedroom windows (also open), when the outdoor climate allows it. This is the best way to reduce the relative humidity and avoid condensation inside the house.

As an alternative or «maintenance therapy»: place deshumidifiers for closets (homemade) inside the cabinets due to condensation.

The market usually offers a good deshumidifiers for closets  to absorb the ambient humidity so as to be able to choose with variety, which you will have to renew from time to time.

If you prefer a «2E» option (ecological and economical) to eliminate humidity by condensation in cabinets, you can prepare your own with other domestic materials that have similar absorption power, such as coarse salt, charcoal, chalk (chalk) or rice.

How to Reduce Humidity in a House in Winter: Cross Ventilation

Cross ventilation is one of the most basic and effective concepts of architectural logic for ventilating interiors.

If we want the air in a room with only one opening to be renewed quickly,… we’d better wait seated.

There will be no fluid air flow when it must enter and exit through the same place.

In this sense, to have openings in opposite planes, even if it is not in the same place, will contribute to generate a continuous current that will quickly renew the vitiated air of the environment.

This will be the fundamental base that will allow to dislodge the interior humidity, that in the long run will manage to avoid the humidity by condensation.

It is true; it will not always be possible to have a double winch in the same room.

But perhaps the second opening can be replaced by a door or a window of another environment located at an opposite point of the house. You’ll be surprised how quickly they’ll ventilate.

Having a few minutes a day to open the openings of the house (even more so if the ventilation is crossed) is a simple and possible task to transform into custom, which will help you to quickly renew the foul air in the interior and thus reduce the undesirable effects of condensation.

How to use a deshumidifier to prevent condensation inside the house

how to stop condensation
Lower the relative humidity by using the dehumidifier

Dehumidifier is a portable device, which is available in the market for domestic use, which allows us to extract moisture from the environment in an amazing way.

Although I haven’t been able to prove them, many happy owners of an air dehumidifier have given me testimony of the great service they provide, to solve the problems by condensation, absorbing the excess water vapour from the interior of the house.

In humid seasons, just by setting the relative humidity of the desired environment, they allow clothes washed and laid indoors to dry in a few hours.

How to avoid High Humidity in House with Air Conditioning

If the market (or your economy), do not allow you access to a portable dehumidifier environment, goes this simple resource to get out of the way with similar effectiveness by trying to reduce internal condensation.

The common air conditioning equipment, usually have among its functions the «dehumidifier» (dry). Some will know and others will find out.

Used in that way you can favor not only the drying of lying clothes but also the problems of moisture condensation in the floors that are finished washing.

Grateful housewives.

Shower Earrings: An Unimagined Help for Reducing Indoor Humidity

It is obvious to imagine that the water that falls into the receptacle or shower where we bathe, flows into the drain.

how to stop condensation

But the obvious is not always the norm.

Forget extreme cases where the water runs exactly the opposite way. It would surprise us to see how common these cases can be.

With your hand on your heart:

How many times have you had to bathe in a shower to end up drying the floor with a dryer and a cloth?

Although it is a little twisted to suppose it, the puddle of water that remains in a floor after taking a shower, if it is not dried by hand, it will end up being part of the water vapour that will then invade your house and end up generating humidity problems due to condensation in walls and ceilings.

It is unlikely that this circumstance has much responsibility for the moisture problems in your home, but I would not rule it out.

If it is YOUR problem, a ceramic floor can be placed over the existing one (using special adhesives), to improve the slope of runoff to the drain.

Simple moral: let’s be generous when it comes to sloping the floors of the place where we bathe.

How to Reduce Humidity in a Room Naturally:  Be careful with the use of houseplants

Let’s remember that we are talking about not contributing to generate excess water vapor in our house. I say this to understand the context in which I encourage myself to recommend this kind of thing to reduce condensation in the house.

Let’s see: indoor plants are very beneficial in many ways, but they also bring condensation moisture into the environment.

Obviously it will be said, but in a context of a few pots contributing to the general decoration, we will not be in the presence of a problem.

how to stop condensation
Beware of overuse of houseplants

Instead, in a house with problems of fungi and condensation on walls, for which we have to recommend individual actions that help to reduce the inconveniences.

Returning to reality, only to take into account the data when decorating your house:

I am firmly in favor of ecology, but on these occasions, be careful not to exaggerate with green if we want to avoid problems with condensation on walls, mould stains and condensation on windows.

Furniture close to walls: microclimate for mold and condensation problems

A very humid environment has «dead zones», where the air stagnates; it does not circulate, and it is not renewed. A typical case and easy to observe is that of the corners and especially the angles of the roofs.

The air currents tend to sweep the spaces in circular form, without getting to renew the air of the right angles that form the corners of the environments.

It´s usual to see exaggerated colonies of fungi and mold that resist disappearing even if you insist on ventilating often.

The same applies to the spaces between the furniture and the walls.

how to stop condensation
Space between furniture and walls: microclimate for fungi and mould

The smaller the distance, the smaller the air circulation and the greater the accumulation of humidity due to condensation, which will end up feeding the proliferation of mould and fungus in the colony.

In this perverse microclimate, the walls get wet and deteriorate as quickly as the furniture material. Easy to see (and smell) just by removing the furniture.

Although the distance in question is not the reason for the problem (for more data read up), if possible, try to move the furniture away from the walls to reduce condensation, and that both do not deteriorate so much.

And obviously, try to solve the problem at its root, so that recommendations like these lose importance.

How to Fix Ceiling Condensation | Condensation on bathroom ceilings

Condensation does not forgive surfaces. Floors, walls, furniture and, of course, ceilings.

If the problems of humidity by condensation are not exaggerated, in general they are not surfaces that pose major problems, except, of course, the tendency to form colonies of fungi.

When they are made of non-traditional materials or finished with inadequate waterproof paints, the drawbacks tend to be greater.

So it is not surprising to see them drip when moisture saturation reaches extreme levels.

A ceiling of traditional material (plaster), finished with a special paint for those surfaces (ask as «ceiling paint»), has the ability to regulate the ambient humidity without producing moisture problems by condensation.

By having the pores open, it allows you to absorb excess water vapor from the air and then return it when the environment can be ventilated.

Materials such as PVC, aluminum or finishing with inadequate waterproof paints, seal the pores of the ceiling, cutting its absorption capacity. Moisture saturation has no other way than to generate condensation problems and then drip.

Since no one in their right mind can accept being exposed to a circumstance like this, it will be necessary to think about therapies to remedy these effects.

If your ceiling is made with materials that are not very absorbent of humidity, it will be time to evaluate:

– Replace them with more traditional, more absorbent ones. An expensive solution, by the way.
– Take the bull by the horns, and attack the real causes that are favoring the saturation of humidity in the air. To do this you must go back over what I have told you so far and apply the right therapy.

If your ceiling is made of traditional materials, but the humidity still condenses, it may be painted with the wrong paints.

A good ceiling paint has a «warm» finish, and may even seem to come off when you pass your hand. But it is precisely this characteristic that will allow you to absorb the excess water in the environment without generating humidity problems due to condensation.

There are latex paints that are offered for their «anti-fungus» properties, but they usually end up having enameled finishes (shiny) without any capacity for moisture absorption, which with intense use will only generate moisture by dripping.

Although it is complicated, it is possible to repaint, doing a good preparation of the base (good sanding) to favor a correct adherence and a long duration, that allows to avoid the classic problems of humidity by condensation in ceilings.

How to Stop Condensation on Windows Overnight

Within gas-fired heating systems, no-exit outdoor heaters generate large amounts of water vapor that produce condensation moisture on walls, ceilings, and condensation on windows overnight.

Even if we don’t notice it; even if we resist believing it, IT IS REAL.

Without pretending to bore you with a lot of information, I give you some reasons to understand the phenomenon.

What are the disadvantages of dead-end heaters?

The heaters with exposed flame that do not ventilate to the outside, emit carbon dioxide to the environment that they heat. In its combination with the oxygen in the air, this is transformed into water vapour, which will end up generating humidity by condensation throughout the home, even in remote locations.

An environment with humid air is easily identifiable. Heat is perceived as more oppressive and is not pleasant.

Sweating windows and the feeling of suffocation is similar to that felt in a closed environment when there are many people.

So much for the problem.

What is the best heating to avoid condensation problems?

Any other heating system that does not involve an open flame.

Balanced draft heaters (with exit to the outside); hot water radiators; central heating systems; radiant slab; etc., are a very good alternative to avoid problems due to condensation in the home.

I have seen many homes solve their problems of condensation on walls and fungus by replacing dead-end heaters with balanced draft.

The benefits are certain and verifiable. That’s why I encourage you to try.

How to Stop Condensation in Winter: Thermal Insulation

Beyond the home-made humidity control methods I have told you so far, the definitive solution to the problems of condensation humidity will only be possible to the extent that our houses have adequate thermal insulation that prevents them from becoming cold.

Sometimes we will have to assume that building houses with roofs without thermal insulation and thin walls is not a way to lower costs. It will only be a way of postponing them, and then spending large amounts of money to solve problems of condensation dampness, the fault of those bad decisions.

There are two ways to give a definitive solution to the humidity by condensation of a house. Both will have to do with giving it good thermal insulation.

One will be to do it WHEN BUILDING IT, and another ONCE THAT PROBLEMS APPEAR.

How to Reduce Humidity: Conclusions to Eliminate Moisture by Condensation

As I always say, the fight against moisture problems does not recognize a single solution… and there is no magic either.

I prefer to think that thinking about eliminating humidity, and in this case humidity by condensation, WILL ONLY BE EFFECTIVE, to the extent that we go to the origin of the problem; change habits; and put into practice REAL measures to combat it.

They do not always need to be expensive or difficult to carry out, and the proof is in everything I have told you so far.

Since there are several causes that produce humidity, it is probable that you will have to attack your own from different practices.

So, if you are interested in learning more about other moisture problems that may be affecting your home invite you to visit this blog:

3 Solutions for Removing Moisture from Walls

How to Solve Leaks in Veneer Roofs (a simple and effective technique)

Two Solutions to the Problem of Roof Humidity

How to Eliminate Floor Moisture

Preventing Roof Humidity

Preventing Moisture in Walls

How to Eliminate Bad Smells from a Bathroom

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